Saturday, August 6, 2011

High Steppin...

Okay! So I'm on day two-ish of my reboot. It would be three but I had some mac n' cheese from Soul's restaurant around the corner from me. So I went to the grocery store (thanks Dad) and got veggies, a few juices and some nuts. I also got a few things for raw desserts - because that's how I roll. Thursday I had apple/spinach/parsley/aloe juice. Yum. I did eat some food though, but that's okay; I realize that I'm an emotional/anxiety eater and I need to ease into not eating. Compassion is always key with me. Did that Thurs and Fri with small meals: sauteed spinach or zucchini with brown rice.

Yesterday, I went to Psalm's and she juiced enough for me to have juice for three days. Awesome!! I was a bit achy yesterday and even last night so I did take a naprosyn, because I hate being in pain now. I think I spent so much time toughing it out, that I actually hate being in pain now. Go figure. But, I actually have digressed from my original point. I have the juice from Psalm; this is going to make it much easier for me to take more juice in and get the food cravings down because it's already in there.

I feel brighter inside, more alert. My body definitely is grateful for the boost in nutrition. I can feel it. I'm just dreading the upcoming "release" that comes along with cleanses (if you know what I mean), but I'm prepared/stocked up as I should be and am keeping an uber low profile until it happens. Definitely don't want to be in public when it hits :)

See you next time :)

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