Monday, July 11, 2011

Stepping out again...

It's been a good while since I've written on this blog; mainly because I've been tending to other neglected writing projects, and partially because I had been in a flare. One script I've written was a story about what it feels like to have lupus with a non-supportive partner. I definitely think that helped in terms of moving some of my more painful emotions out the way so that I can move forward to hope again. Then I got an email from the Alliance for Lupus Research to let me know about this year's walk. So I thought it would be a good time to start getting ready for it. The timing couldn't be better.

Last year was about acceptance and learning how to help myself. I can honestly say that I have truly grown in compassion for myself regarding the Lupus. I've joined several groups (online) and follow a few bloggers as well. The main bit of greatness has been around accepting that there is still much I can do with physical challenges.

Since the walk, it seems that the flare had been quite chronic, that my good days were not as frequent as they had been in the past. Maybe due to diet, maybe stress, maybe getting a LITTLE older ;) -- or a combination of the three.

But what I do know is this: I am due for a reboot. I saw a film on Netflix about a week ago called "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead", it chronicled the journey of two men with autoimmune diseases. One even was on the same medication I take. They both did a two-month juice fast and their health improved immensely; as a matter of fact, both men--under a doctor's care, of course--were able to significantly decrease or cease their medication all together. I'm no stranger to the juice fast or raw foods, I've done my share. My goal here is to 1) increase my wellness naturally and 2) to take manageable steps, meaning start off small then increase over time. I think it's just time that I reboot my body so that I have an overall sense of better health with what I can control. So that is what this year's journey will be about. Prepping for the walk with a system reboot in August, then moving forward with my training for the walk. I'm really excited!

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