Friday, August 19, 2011

The Power of Intention

Today, it hit me: I have set a very specific intention for wellness and everything is lining up to support it. How awesome is that? My reboot was to refocus me and invite healing into my life and within days of setting that intention I have found workshops for wellness, healing, a friend helped me with the juicing and more.

It lets me know I'm doing the right things for myself. Tonight I went with another friend to a sister circle, and I was just going because she asked -- I didn't read the email or anything. (I've been working on getting out the house more.) The circle was around our food choices and "what's eating us". But more importantly, I was in a room of 16 women who looked like me who were on a path to wellness. Folks were in different places, but all going in the same direction. How inspiring. We talked and shared, and something came to me: my spirit can be fed anywhere I choose. Anywhere I choose! That is soooooo amazing, especially after having trauma with organized religion. Part of last year's depression was not feeling I had safe spirit space, or that I could ever again have that kind of community. But I can choose! I can choose what works for me, and where I want to have it! That is so beautiful. I am so grateful. I have so much to look forward to, as well as be present for.

Doors are opening. Goodness is around me. My heart is opening again. And no matter how I may physically feel, that is definitely a cup of healing in my wellness pie :)

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