Tuesday, August 9, 2011


My stomach hurts. I anticipated this would happen with all the cleanses I have done in the past; so I'm definitely not surprised. I mean, I'm cleansing alright. I really have been laying low for the past few days, and I feel my body healing. I've had some swelling go down in my left knee, which has been chronically swollen for about two years. My joints don't hurt so much. My eating has gone down, as I'm not hungry (due to higher nutrients). In the future, I will continue with the veggies (both cooked and raw) as well as whole grains. I just had to retrain my palate. The good news is, my body immediately remembered how I used to feel when I had a better diet. So that's awesome.

I think there was a point when I gave up. When everything was just too much. Not just with my health, but where my life was and how things had panned out. Everything I have been doing for the last year and a half has been to reclaim that joy, that love and that hopeful glow that I had before. Rebuilding isn't easy. And sometimes, yes, we do give up. But the beautiful thing is that I have the power to re-engage in my own life, my wellness and my future. No one needs to do that for me. Yes, I do need support; I reach out for it and have learned to accept it. Overall though, I am the one who has to put on my shoes to walk this journey. And I am, still one step at a time.

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